Along the wounded streets of New York, posters scream “Dead or Alive.” The sheriff and his deputies are “geared up to smoke ’em out,” like the bluecoats who chased Pancho Villa and his bandidos across the mountains of Mexico a century ago. But if we are all immersed in a Western film, why does no one speak of the gold? In this mist of terror, hope, and dramatic courage, television news broadcasters and political analysts avoid the fundamental point: the money trail leads to Saudi Arabia.

Did failed American promises after “Desert Storm,” the first Gulf War, spark the “Arab street” to launch a new attack on the Yankees? Have the American oil interests of George Bush’s father come back to haunt his son?

The terrorists paid in cash $39,000 to attend a flight school and only flew in first class. No doubt, their families were promised fine pensions for their martyrdom. Clearly, this group is financed by very deep pockets. The tracks do not lead only to the mountain caves Afghanistan but also to the rich oil installations in Gulf.

To comprehend the origin of this conflict, we have to follow two paths. One into an extremist Islamic sect, the other to its funding. Neither has been pursued until now. Yet, it is clear the share the same source: Saudi Arabia.

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